Friday, May 22, 2015

For pro-abortions, the truth is what they say it is

I wrote here about a nasty petition going around, that was trying to get the TTC to remove this ad:

The pro-abortions used this "logic" to defend their petition:
"Pregnancy Care Centers are anti-choice and are known to provide women with false medical information on abortions. They use scare tactics and christian propaganda to influence people's decisions."
This is what Brian Norton of Christian Advocacy Society had to say about the petition:
"Oh no! Due to the politics of abortion, this is another one of those uninformed, misleading petitions being circulated.
The faith-based charity where I work has governed, now for 25 years, two pregnancy centres in BC, along with a residential shelter for abused women, and a sexual assault counselling consortium.
The issue of concern articulated in this petition is as follows: “Pregnancy Care Centers are anti-choice and are known to provide women with false medical information on abortions.”
In fact, pregnancy centres in Canada (to avoid any claim of source material bias) disproportionately refer to prochoice sources and prochoice affirmed epidemiological studies.
For example, regarding all physical risk factors (except one controversial risk still being studied), these are directly sourced from abortion clinics across Canada. Space permits noting only a few such abortion clinics: Women’s Health Clinic (Winnipeg), Brampton Women’s Clinic, Clinique Médicale Fémina (Montreal) and Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital.
In addition, the client brochure with abortion medical information (which many or most pregnancy centres have available) has been “reviewed by more than 45 specialized practitioners in Canada, including perinatal nurses, family physicians, obstetricians/gynaecologists, medical ethicists, psychologists and social workers.”
Finally, the majority of pregnancy centres in Canada are members of the national best practice association, Canadian Association of Pregnancy Support Services (CAPSS). Any member centre which does not adhere to CAPSS’ stringent ‘Commitment of Care & Competence’ and ‘Code of Counselling Ethics’ will be disaffiliated.
For the few of you still reading this comment post …
To read about other erroneous allegations on pregnancy centres in Canada, you may wish to google “A Respectful Rebuttal to a Disrespectful Report”.
Whether we are “prochoice” or “prolife” or “undecided” on the ethics of abortion, we likely will agree that if a centre is able to offer a client accurate information – with realistic options and solutions to her unique barriers for continuing her pregnancy to term – she becomes more empowered to make an informed decision in accordance with what is most important to her.
Brian Norton"
It's the petition that's saying things that are not true, and not CPCs at all.

I think our take away from this is that the pro-abortions have decided they just don't like crisis pregnancy centres, because they are life affirming. So instead, the pro-abortions have to make stuff up about CPCs.

(Note that as of writing, 14,496 people have thus far actually signed this petition. Do they really have any idea of what they're signing, and that what the petition is saying isn't even true? a scary thought.)

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